Yes, that's right ... Suzi Blu is teaching a full day of LES PETITE DOLLS to the fortunate 16 (or so) of us that registered for her workshop. TODAY. I am SO freeeeeeking excited !!!!!

If you don't live in So Cal, or you can't make it to a class, or her next class(es) fill up before you can blink your googley eyes, well, then, YOU CAN PURCHASE A KIT from Suzi ... yup, that's right. VISIT HER Les Petite Dolls Acadamey right here: and give it a look-see.
If you want to "paint pretty girls", as Suzi calls her fantastic Petite Dolls, then this is an artist you want to look in to .... I'm hoping she will teach again (and again) at STAMPING DETAILS in Poway - which is where today's class is being held. Some of the best workshops I've attended are held right there at Stamping Details - I love what they offer!
Lots of photos will be taken today, so check back later for PICS and the whole STORY.
Your very excited and happy ...
Princess Magpie (aka, Davielle)