Saturday, April 11, 2009

I apologize for not having a new post all week - not since Monday. I promise, something new and artsy is coming ... really, it is.

For today, all I can leave you with are these photos {taken last year at Woofstock, by me},

and a reminder that if you visit my other blog,, you'll see a cool button to a cool Read-Along that I'm doing -- I THOUGHT IT WAS JUST ME (but it isn't) -- the Read-Along is led by the author of said book, and her name is Brene Brown. It's challenging work, but it's good work.

And now, I'm off to WOOFSTOCK, a Festival for Dogs and People to benefit CCI {Canine Companions for Independence ... } for a good part of the day.

It's RUFF {hee hee} getting up at 5:30 am with a migraine, but someone's got to do it; right?

-- Princess Magpie

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