Sunday, June 28, 2009

Lisa Bebi's PAINT OVER TECHNIQUE Workshop, June 27, 2009

About 6 weeks ago, I picked up the new issue of SOMERSET STUDIO GALLERY and the very first article ... led me to artist Lisa Bebi and the workshop that Cara & I attended on 6/27/09.

Wow. Cara and I thoroughly enjoyed Lisa's workshop in Escondido yesterday afternoon. It was quite hot outside, but the inside of the Gallery was nice and cool, and we had a great set-up.

Lisa, getting us all started on the process ...

and Lisa with her quickly-completed example of her Paint-Over Technique ...

I have to say, Lisa teaches well -- she doesn't fuss -- and this particular technique of hers was rather easy to pick up. And FUN ... it was soooooooo much fun. Transforming magazine images and our own photographs, printed on plain paper from an inkjet printer ... what a way to make art!

Cara gets into her projects ...

and she's off and running!

sitting back to gain perspective ...

My daughter Cara, who is quite artistic and can draw anything FROM AN IMAGE of it ... hasn't worked much, if ever, with paints. Probably next to never, other than creating birthday party scenes for children, and transforming her daughter's bedroom into a Parisian Street Scene once ... but as for working with acrylics, I'm guessing never. (Cara has, however, been a drawing fool since she could hold a pencil and/or crayon).

I've only been working with acrylics since January, and my art background consists of ... making collages as a child, learning the very basic basics of architectural / interiors drafting when I was taking all the interior design classes, and that's about it. I've had color theory (interior design requirement), I've had art history; I've made scrapbooks and cards and such .... but as for MAKING ART, this is all new to me, too.

And while our class was small, it was "full" of interesting & talented women; one of which I was so happy to meet after being a FAN of her on the radio all these years ... The infamous "RUTH 66" from radio station KGB (101.5 on the fm dial here in town). Oh, and by the way ... she has a real name ... and it's not Ruth :-) ...

me 'n "Ruth 66", getting to know each other at the end of class

So to wrap this up ... here's how we made out yesterday:

Cara's finished / near-finished image of herself from a bridal shoot she did this year ... I love her use of color and line!

Bike-Mama from a vogue-style magazine - a la Cara --
again, her use of color blows me away!

a bridal mag image that Cara "techniqued" over ... luscious!

And my work for the day ... this from a bridal magazine ...

And this, my own daughter Cara from that same bridal shoot ... this was SO much fun.

Thank you, Lisa, for your hard work teaching us how to do this paint-over technique and for making it so much fun. I can't wait for another class with you!
-- Princess Magpie

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Off today for a three-hour workshop with local artist LISA BEBI ... we're to learn the basics of her PAINT-OVER technique, and I'm so excited!

This is one of Lisa's pieces that I am just madly, crazily OVER THE MOON about ... "Jack, the Dog"

You can see some of Lisa's art right here:

-- Princess Magpie

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

My Day in San Clemente

In the blink of an eye, a day can turn from a bummer into a high. Here's my story:
Friends, my day began on a real sour note ... because our voice-mail service provider (and right now, I use that term loosely - "service provider", that is) had a TIME DELAY in getting me a voice mail message I really really really wanted to get ... I discovered this morning that I had missed my only opportunity to meet up with Bernie Berlin and Suzi Blu ... for dinner last night. Can you say "BUMMER" ???
If you don't know who Bernie and/or Suzi are ... you can check them out right here:

That, and a few other rough patch moments this morning had all conspired to leave me SO near tears, I thought I might just as well have the meltdown and be done with it.
But .. it didn't happen. The Melt-Down, that is.
Instead, I put my big-girl panties on and HEADED RIGHT ON INTO the rest of my day, which included spending 5 hours with the delightful and talented LINDA BLINN and friends Barbara and Sharon, at Linda's charming home. Did I mention in a former post how fantastic Linda's art and crafting space is in her home? It's way cool.
So here's just a few shots of our time together. What a respite. What an inspiring time. What cool things everyone had "on the table" to share with each other.

Linda's been working with SUNPRINTS; these are on fabric.

and another Linda Blinn SUNPRINT on fabric. isn't this beautiful?

so after we'd admired some of Linda's new art adventures, and after we'd started our TRADING back and forth, it was already time for lunch. we DO a good job complementing each other when it comes to who-brings-what. Look at that spread! That's Linda, tossing the Chinese Salad that Barbara made for us ...

here's Sharon and Barbara, enjoying our day together ...

and what terrific luncheon spread would be complete without the world's tastiest cupcakes? These were from ELIZABETHAN DESSERTS in Encinitas. Tasty, tasty, tasty. We split each into four, and each took a bitty section. We figure that way, we've each tried 'em all AND it's still only ONE cupcake each ... you see how we artists can be SO creative when necessary?!

Then it was time for us to do some sunprinting of our own ... Linda wanted to try this ... a bird silhouette with lace around & behind ... let's see what happened!
step one
after you get it ready, you hurry outside, find the sun, and set it down - for, I am not kidding, less than 1 1/2 minutes. Seriously.

oh ... HELLO, KITTY.
(not Kitty Blinn, but Neighbor Kitty)
after that moment in the sun, you run inside, and you rinse the "developer" paper under lightly running water -- to rinse away all chemicals and to STOP the process. then - let dry.

still wet, but I am SO seeing that bird - aren't you?!
(look closely ... and do tell ... is it just me, or CAN YOU SEE IT?!)

I love this small circle of creative friends. They sure brightened my day! I so appreciate being included in their gatherings.

And to make our time together even MORE beautiful ... Linda always has some fresh flowers somewhere nearby for us to enjoy ... these are her GINGER SYLLABUB roses. To-die-for.

And every gathering must have a little bubbly. This, a nice Italian Prosecco - just dry enough and TASTY.


-- Princess Magpie

Monday, June 22, 2009

BSM: Best Shot Monday - June 22, 2009

It's that time again ... it's Monday, and that can only mean one thing here on I AM PRINCESS MAGPIE ... Best Shot Monday!

Although this was taken several months ago, it has stuck in my mind all this time ... so I'm posting it TODAY as my BSM, even though I did not take it "just last week".

Hope that's okay.

This is our Rat Terrier ROCKY playing with SOPHIE, a rather large Rhodesian Ridgeback who he (Rocky) happens to be crazy about. :-)

-- Princess Magpie

Friday, June 19, 2009

Got Artist's Block? Try This !!!

Anyone out there facing some kind of ARTIST'S BLOCK?

As a rather new 'artist' (yes, I still put it in quotes, 'cause I am "just playing" with art, I guess ... it takes a whole lot of courage and gumption to say I AM AN ARTIST) ... what I struggle with is this: I came to the awareness a week ago, while chatting with my friend Margy, that (right now, anyway), I feel SAFER and MORE COMFORTABLE "making art" when I am in a class setting, or a workshop ... "with others".

One part of what I love about art is ... the COMMUNITY of art. I love the people. I love the synergy. I love the passion and the creativity and the energy. I have been fortunate to find great art teachers, people who can RELAY the information needed to teach a new technique, and who leave me INSPIRED to ... do it.

And while there is nothing 'wrong' with preferring or being more comfortable in such a setting, the thing is: I really really really want to incorporate MAKING ART into my DAILY life, and I can't afford the time & finances to TAKE A CLASS A DAY. :-) Really.
I have a beautiful MAS (My Art Space) in our garage now, I have a whole lot of art supplies just waiting to be all used up. It's that HOLDING BACK, that FEAR OF FAILURE that makes me unable to Just Do It.
So when I come home from a class, I face the FEAR of "not doing it right". Goodness, when it comes to art, what does "right" mean, anyway?

So along with Julia Cameron's THE ARTIST'S WAY, and along with LIVING THE CREATIVE LIFE by Ricรซ Freeman-Zachery, I am finding that the work of PATTI DIGH is opening doors for me -- in my head and in my heart and in my gut.
You know what I mean. The GUT is what tells you you're "in intuition" ... right? It's my gauge, anyway. Head - left brain. Heart - right brain, full of emotion and feelings. Gut - intuition, pure & simple.
Patti Digh's book LIFE IS A VERB: 37 Days to Wake Up, Be Mindful, and Live Intentionally is amazing. (thank you, Ann, for pointing me to Patti's work ... you are SO my muse, Ann. you introduce me to so very much of the good in my world and I cherish you, for your friendship and for your "knowing" just what will appeal to me. it's a real gift.)

LIFE IS A VERB: 37 Days to Wake Up, Be Mindful, and Live Intentionally - Patti's website - is at:

LIFE IS A VERB (the book) is available here:

But what really has me excited right now is this: Patti and her friend and mentor, David Robinson, will be co-facilitating a TELE-COACHING CLASS for six months -- SIX MONTHS -- along the lines of the "work" outlined in LIFE IS A VERB. It begins July 7, and there will be two phone 'coaching calls' each month for six months. SIX MONTHS, friends.

What can you accomplish in six months? MY INTENTION is to get out of my own way - to get out from behind the FEAR that keeps me from trying things on my own ... like making art ... the fear of 'not doing it right' ... the fear that 'it won't be good enough'. Because as a child, I often heard messages along the lines of ... "you're not getting it right", "you're not good enough", and/or "you don't look the part". Stuff like that. IF YOU ARE A PARENT, please please note that verbal & silent messages we send to our kids WILL have a lifelong impact. I'm here to tell you!

So - if you're struggling with ARTIST'S BLOCK -- take the time and get inspired, get soothed, get motivated -- grab the books I mentioned, find other resources, talk to other artists - they ALL struggle with this at times. I'm sure of it. And CHECK OUT PATTI DIGH's website. Take a look at what "story" you might be hanging on to, hiding behind ... that's keeping you from living YOUR best life.
With love from your evolving ...
-- Princess Magpie

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Great American Novel

Don't you agree with me on this:

If I (or you) had this cool, totally Retro, LIME GREEN typewriter ... couldn't I (or you) write the next Great American Novel?

Really. I mean, who COULDN'T with a typewriter like this?

If you don't quite believe me, would you trust artists' and writers' guru, JULIA CAMERON?

"It is human nature to write," Ms. Cameron declares as she systematically dismantles the mythology surrounding the writing life in our culture. She reveals the secrets of breaking loose from the grip of established thought processes and shows you how to unleash the wave of creativity within you that is starving to express itself. With the techniques and illustrative stories in The Right to Write, you'll learn how to make writing an easy, natural, intensely personal part of your life. Ms. Cameron's revolutionary instruction and examples include the details of her very own writing processes, the ones she uses to create her poetry, plays, essays, and novels. Her tools make writing a playful and practical, as well as profound, experience. If you're jumping into the writing life for the first time, or if you're already living it, the art and craft of writing will never be the same for you after you've read The Right to Write." { }

So I think that this way cool retro typewriter could be just the key (get it? the KEY) to your taking up WRITING. Seriously.

I'm just saying.

-- Princess Magpie

Cool Workshop Coming Soon ... LISA BEBI's "Paint-Over Technique" in 3 Hours

Why don't you visit the link herein to the Escondido Arts Partnership / Municipal Gallery, and check out the workshop details for local artist LISA BEBI's upcoming workshop, PAINT OVER WORKSHOP WITH LISA BEBI. It's next Saturday, June 27, 2009, from Noon to 3 pm.

I blogged about Lisa a tiny bit this morning, over on my other blog: -- feel free to hop over there for a visit.

I sure hope to see you at this cool workshop next weekend (NOT this weekend; the one after).


Princess Magpie

Monday, June 15, 2009

BSM: Best Shot Monday, June 15, 2009

Oh my, I almost forgot to post a BSM photograph for today ... that just won't do.

Because I took hundred of photos this past week -- this is going to be difficult.

I'd like to be a little annoying and post several ... I hope nobody minds. I think they're all worthy of BSM status ... the first one, because there is nothing that I personally enjoy more than seeing my grandchildren HAPPY. Happy, comfortable with themselves, and just plain glad to be doing what(ever it is) they're doing.

Kiara, at her 11th birthday party, TEXTING and HULA HOOPING all at once! now THAT is a future multi-tasker ... future, heck. She's doin' it now !!

Kiara in the line-up of Birthday Party Friends

and her big brother, Trevor, doing what he likes just about best - Pitching. On Saturday. (they won)

any time you've got a ballplayer SMILING during the game, it's a beautiful, awesome thing ...

And these, because I think that our Canon G9 camera caught these critters doing what makes THEM happy, too.

this is our Rocky, the Rat Terrier - trying to catch a better view of ...

this, little rabbit in full flight, on our front lawn !!!

and then ... last but not least ...

Snowy Egret (in our yard), taking off ...

That's my theme for this week's BEST SHOT MONDAY, then. Being Happy. Doing that which makes you Happy. And the secondary theme ... ACTION.

Princess Magpie, aka, Davielle

Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Joy of Less, by Pico Iyer

Thank you, PATTI DIGH {Life is a Verb: 37 Days} for posting this on Facebook this morning. WOW, what a powerful testimony to the simple(r) life / lifestyle.

The Joy of Less
Pico Iyer

I read it, each and every word, and it so resonated within me. Yet, I am not ready to "give up" and to "simplify" to the same level Pico has. But it's something I aspire to ... with maybe my art supplies left to add to my happiness :-).

Funny thing is, I had a most vivid dream last night:

I was in a large apartment-style building, with hundreds of other families. As we all looked out our front windows to see what the commotion we could hear was all about -- we saw a sea of emergency vehicles -- fire trucks, police cars, paramedics, ambulances -- literally thousands of them - just across the avenue from our building. {now mind you, I live in a single-family house now, but have lived in my share of apartments & condos over the years - yet nothing like this; this was in a big-city setting. ANYWAY ...}

They were trying to shout to us something important -- but we could barely hear them. We asked them to use a bullhorn - which they did - and what we heard was this:

"A huge fire is rolling this way and you MUST evacuate in 5 minutes. TAKE ONLY YOUR MOST PRECIOUS POSSESSIONS, AND YOU MUST CARRY WHAT YOU BRING WITH YOU."

You can imagine, I'm sure, what went through my mind {sub-consciously, or was I now partly awake?! it was hard to tell ...}. PHOTOGRAPHS. CHILDHOOD MEMORIES. THINGS FOR THE CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN THAT THEY MIGHT NOT THINK TO TAKE ALONG. {you see, we were ALL in this one large apartment - and it was filled with "things". Possessions. so the question really became: WHAT is so important about all this STUFF?!} So I grabbed several sacks and totes and bags, filling them with irreplacable items, and even some replaceable items {including a Breyer horse statue from my childhood ... which have in reality long since disappeared from my possession, although I miss them to this day}.

And all the while, my mind kept repeating ... "so now I will get to live that simple life - with not much of anything around me. I wonder how that will go?"

The whole LESS IS MORE quandary -- is that true? Is it true for everyone, or just for some?

And this morning, I woke up to Patti Digh's post that we "must read" this article.

Powerful validation that my dream was trying to tell me something.


-- Princess Magpie, aka Davielle

and don't you just know that my nickname, PRINCESS MAGPIE, is now ... worrying me. I really am quite the magpie (gathering things), and I wonder if it's offensive to people. I even wonder if somehow, it's offensive to myself.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Cole Porter and Ella Fitzgerald - music to inspire you

I think I'm in excellent company, here, friends. I love COLE PORTER. I love his lyrics, I love the musicality of his work ... and I love how so many artists "do" Cole Porter songs.

NPR also loves Cole Porter -- they've done a cool little story and you can read it here:

One of my personal favorite artists that did a whole lotta Cole is ELLA FITZGERALD.

A couple of years ago, my friends Lyn and Vickie and I headed up to the USC Galen Center (their basketball arena) to witness WE LOVE ELLA: A TRIBUTE TO THE FIRST LADY OF SONG, with such amazing artists as Wynonna, Ruben Studdard, Dave Koz, Patti Austin with Take 6, Ledisi, Lizz Wright, Monica Mancini, the amazing Nancy Wilson, and the list goes on (and on) ... including a very surprise appearance by the incomparable Stevie Wonder. Our hosts for the evening were music icons Natalie Cole and Quincy Jones.

If you'd like to read more about that event, visit this link from PBS (they recorded it live that evening back in April 2007 ... which meant that we were 'treated' to a couple of the songs more than once - so they could get it just right!).

MUSIC inspires me - I like to listen to music when I am creating. I hope you enjoy learning more about Cole Porter and Ella Fitzgerald along with me ....

-- Princess Magpie

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Art is for My Soul ... Listen to Your Muse by Suzi Blu

Okay, is it just me, or when you become immersed in all-things-artistic, do serendipitous things just keep happening ???

I love this stuff.

My blogging mentor and artistic and heartful friend, Ann Deakers, sent me a link to this YouTube clip by local artist SUZI BLU.

Thing is, back when I first became friends via Facebook with artist BERNIE BERLIN, she called me on the phone and we talked about her animal rescue facility (in Portland, Tennessee) for about an hour. She asked me if I knew her friend here in So Cal, artist Suzi Blu.

I have not yet met Suzi, nor taken one of her workshops ... but I do most assuredly intend to.

And then - cleaning out old inbox messages in FB this morning - I found this from Ann, telling me I should get a "kick"out of this clip.

Oh, yes I surely did. It is fabulous. I hope you take time to TREAT YOURSELF and watch it.

-- Princess Magpie

Monday, June 8, 2009

BSM: Best Shot Monday, June 8, 2009 - posted from Solvang, CA

I have very few photos to choose from this morning, as I'm posting off our laptop, from charming Solvang, California. Although we head home this afternoon, I know the day will get away from me, so I am opting to post something for BSM from the handful of photos I took on this quick trip getaway.
it's not a great photo, but this charming little statue captured my attention yesterday (at J. Woeste garden shop) in Los Olivos and I couldn't resist sharing her with all of you ... how many times as a child, barefoot in the garden, did YOU have to remove some bothersome thing from the bottom of YOUR foot?! :-)
While I try to avoid GRIPING on my Princess Magpie blog, I feel compelled to tell you that IF you should visit Los Olivos, and IF you should visit the J. Woeste garden shop, do not expect good customer service. I tried to find an employee for 15 minutes - only to discover that the man (right beneath my nose) who was busily texting all that time DID work there - he never looked up, never asked if I needed help -- even when I stood 4 feet away and said (to myself, out loud), "I wonder if they have a business card around here - oh, here's one" -- he NEVER even paused, nor did he look up. THEN, my husband said "that guy works here - I saw him in the garden a while back" ... so I go back, INTERRUPT his oh-so-important texting, and ask "excuse me, but do you work here" (fully expecting him to say "no, I'm just watching the front while my female friend carries on a personal phone call in the back room" - which, by the way, we could overhear all throughout the little shop - but no, he says "YES I DO" ... not 'yes, how can i help you' -- and then I had to ask him to come around the corner to ask about a dog statue they have. NOT HELPFUL at all; not engaging; not friendly. {Boy, that "yes I do" sure surprised me !!!}

again, not a great photograph ... but something about the sweetness of mother and foal at the Quicksilver Ranch (miniature horse farm) just grabbed me ...
On a much more approachable and friendly and engaging note, if you'd like to take a closer look at the miniature horses of Quicksilver Ranch, here's their website:
Signing off now from the Danish capital of California, sweet SOLVANG ...
-- Princess Magpie, aka, Davielle

Saturday, June 6, 2009

MAS progress continues

Friday morning, June 5; 9 am:

Okay, so MAS now has several meanings:
Messy Art Space
Messy Art Studio
MY Art Space / Studio
I like 'em all. Yet, I am leaning now towards the last one. MY ART SPACE.
"Messy" sounds like it's going to look like, well, like my home office. Or my closet. Or the chest next to my side of the bed. {you think I'm kidding? then you don't know me!}

What 'MESSY' was meant to denote was that THIS is where the messy art would happen - the stuff with glues and paints and water and such. {although we have no sink in the garage ... yet ... I remain hopeful! I am pretty sure that the capped pipe that leads off the base of our water heater is ... the plumbing to BRING IN A SINK some day.}

But now, it's just going to be MAS: My Art Space.

The progress continues, slow but sure. Before he left town Friday morning, Mark helped hang a hook for aprons;

voila !!!

a re-used dog kennel-crate door (it's not only magnetic, but I can use clothespins to clip inspiration to it right where I work);
the dangling tag says "she's a good girl; crazy about Elvis. loves horses, and her boyfriend too" -- one of my favorite song lines, a la Tom Petty.
and a cookbook holder, mounted to the wall, so I can open up a book to the instructions and SEE IT, yet keep it clean while I work from it.
Lined up to use it first:

Taking Flight by Kelly Rae Roberts {the artist and her book, who started me on this amazing artful journey over a year ago ... she SO insires me}
the books I have by Claudine Hellmuth ...

this is one of Claudine's books, in the rack !!
and of course, the two books by Golden artist CHRIS COZEN ...

those are Chris' books on display - the larger art piece just beneath is by CHRIS - I bought that from her during her recent 2-day workshop here in town, hosted by San Diego Book Arts. the two smaller pieces are ones I did in a Chris workshop back in March, at Stamping Details in Poway. Funny, when I bought her work, I didn't realize I was again drawn to those colors. I have a long way to go, but still, I think I'm on the right path, learning from the best artists I can take classes from.
and my book by friend LINDA BLINN ... about creating family memory books.
I'm just waiting now for a book on Mixed Media with Paper and Cloth - by -- drum roll - Jane LaFazio !!!
I can hardly wait to get creating in my space !!!

my drafting table, with an assortment of work I created during Chris Cozen workshops, 2009

-- Princess Magpie

Friday, June 5, 2009

great quote

"I like work; it fascinates me.
I can sit and look at it for hours."

-- Jerome K. Jerome {1859-1927}

This poor guy, his parents just couldn't settle on a name for their baby? What!? I don't know that I'd have liked to be Antelline Antelline {or Antellini}; or Davielle Davielle. Can you imagine?

BUT he sure had some wise words to share about ... well ... WORK.

My friend Victoria was here last week and we came across this quote - and cracked up.

I promise, I am slowly but surely getting my MAS (Messy Art Space/Studio) organized and ready to work. Really, I am. But each time I get one storage problem resolved, another pops up. And now I need a bit of a window shade - nothing fancy, just white, so the sun in the afternoon doesn't come through any COLORS to mess up my pure working light and all ... still, it's hard to be in there right now with a blazing sun shining in your eyes.

I can hardly wait. But I'm waiting. 'cause it's just not there yet.

Before Mark left town today, though, he did help me hang some things on the wall (no small feat - it's drywall OVER concrete block), so I am stoked. I even took photographs :-) of the process.

More to come ...

-- Princess Magpie

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Oh, thank you to Patti Digh (LIFE IS A VERB: 37 days) for posting this ... and thank you to Ann, my blogging mentor and dear friend, for sharing this with me today.

please please please

take the time to view and listen.

I promise you goosebumps and maybe even tears.

EVA CASSIDY has been a favorite of mine ever since my friend Karyl 'introduced' me to her songbird-style music back when we worked together at CCI.

With no further ado, here's the link:



Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Post # 80

No, I'm not referring to some outback kind of a post here.

Post # 80 refers to the fact that this is already my eightieth {I love spelling that word} blogpost on I AM PRINCESS MAGPIE. I can hardly believe it.

Time to get PART TWO of the six weeks of MIXED MEDIA WITH PAPER & CLOTH, taught by Jane LaFazio, catch-up posted, complete with photographs.

And it's time to get THE MAS (Messy Art Space/Studio) photos posted here, so you don't have to click over to my other blog at to see what's happening in our garage these days :-) !!!

Happy Tuesday, everyone.

Oh - a photograph for Post # 80 - hmmmm. Let's see. What should I select?

How about an assortment of my recent fave shots? That's what I'll do.

Here you go, then:

"grand" Kiara -- at her brother's baseball game

"grand" Trevor, at said baseball game

"grands" Trevor & Kiara with # 1 Daughter {it's a birth order thing} -- aka, their mom! -- on Easter

youngest "grand" Kaia, in our Mulberry Tree

and Daughter #2, Kaia's mom - with Kaia on Easter

and last but not least, ME MYSELF & I at a recent "the art of Transfers" workshop with Golden artist CHRIS COZEN -- that's me, far left, back row; next to Chris. we're both in apple green !!! {also in this photo, the gorgeous Gabriella who was in Jane's MIXED MEDIA session with me for 6 weeks - she's in the front row, 2nd from right}
I have to say that, thanks to Tracey Clark and her BSM {Best Shot Monday} 'project', taking and posting photograhs has become a whole 'nother ART FORM for me to explore.
Princess Magpie