Post # 80 refers to the fact that this is already my eightieth {I love spelling that word} blogpost on I AM PRINCESS MAGPIE. I can hardly believe it.
Time to get PART TWO of the six weeks of MIXED MEDIA WITH PAPER & CLOTH, taught by Jane LaFazio, catch-up posted, complete with photographs.
And it's time to get THE MAS (Messy Art Space/Studio) photos posted here, so you don't have to click over to my other blog at to see what's happening in our garage these days :-) !!!
Happy Tuesday, everyone.
Oh - a photograph for Post # 80 - hmmmm. Let's see. What should I select?
How about an assortment of my recent fave shots? That's what I'll do.
Here you go, then:
"grand" Trevor, at said baseball game
youngest "grand" Kaia, in our Mulberry Tree
I have to say that, thanks to Tracey Clark and her BSM {Best Shot Monday} 'project', taking and posting photograhs has become a whole 'nother ART FORM for me to explore.
Princess Magpie
gorgeous kids!
thx, Corin! you, too !!!
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