Monday, June 15, 2009

BSM: Best Shot Monday, June 15, 2009

Oh my, I almost forgot to post a BSM photograph for today ... that just won't do.

Because I took hundred of photos this past week -- this is going to be difficult.

I'd like to be a little annoying and post several ... I hope nobody minds. I think they're all worthy of BSM status ... the first one, because there is nothing that I personally enjoy more than seeing my grandchildren HAPPY. Happy, comfortable with themselves, and just plain glad to be doing what(ever it is) they're doing.

Kiara, at her 11th birthday party, TEXTING and HULA HOOPING all at once! now THAT is a future multi-tasker ... future, heck. She's doin' it now !!

Kiara in the line-up of Birthday Party Friends

and her big brother, Trevor, doing what he likes just about best - Pitching. On Saturday. (they won)

any time you've got a ballplayer SMILING during the game, it's a beautiful, awesome thing ...

And these, because I think that our Canon G9 camera caught these critters doing what makes THEM happy, too.

this is our Rocky, the Rat Terrier - trying to catch a better view of ...

this, little rabbit in full flight, on our front lawn !!!

and then ... last but not least ...

Snowy Egret (in our yard), taking off ...

That's my theme for this week's BEST SHOT MONDAY, then. Being Happy. Doing that which makes you Happy. And the secondary theme ... ACTION.

Princess Magpie, aka, Davielle

1 comment:

Lyn said...

LOL....I love Rocky photos...!!!!